

Welcome to "FortoBites," your go-to podcast for bite-sized yet profound insights into the ever-evolving world of logistics and technology. Hosted by Forto, a leader in digital freight forwarding, each episode of FortoBites delves into a myriad of topics at the heart of modern supply chains. From groundbreaking advancements in AI and sustainability to in-depth discussions on supply chain visibility and the latest tech trends, we bring you the voices of experts, innovators, and thought leaders.

At FortoBites, we believe that understanding the intersection of logistics and technology is key to navigating the challenges and opportunities of today's global market. Our episodes are designed to enlighten, inspire, and empower businesses and individuals alike, offering fresh perspectives and actionable insights.

Whether you're a logistics professional, tech enthusiast, or just curious about how digital innovation is reshaping the world of freight, FortoBites is your destination for compelling content. Tune in to stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic and fascinating world of digital logistics.

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